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Non-GMO - Our products are grown in Ecuador, a NON-GMO country.

Ecuador did something incredible, something that so far the US food movement can only dream of accomplishing. In 2008, Ecuador became the first country to declare itself free of GMO seeds and crops during its constitutional convention. Yes, Ecuador’s current Constitution prohibits the use of GMOs! - See more: here        POW! NON GMO Affidavit here

100% Flour from the source - Single sourced flours. No preservatives, sweeteners, or fillers . There is only pure ingredients in our products. We would be in big FDA labeling trouble if we included any other ingredients and did not label it.

Gluten Free - Here is what our government says about Gluten “an ingredient that is any type of wheat, rye, barley, or crossbreeds of these grains. Foods such as bottled spring water, fruits and vegetables, and eggs can also be labeled "gluten-free" if they inherently don't have any gluten.” Read more

Vegan - Our products are 100% plant based. However if you need more:

Neither FDA nor FTC has any labeling regulations for vegetarian statements, other than being “truthful and not misleading.” The most conservative course of action is to ensure that the product is free of any animal-derived ingredient or ingredient components and use the term “vegan” when appropriate. This means that the product has no ingredients from animal origin such as milk, eggs, honey or gelatin. - Karen C. Duester, MS, RD, is President of Food Consulting Company, the largest outsource provider of nutrition analysis, food labeling and regulatory support in the U.S.

Paleo - Okay To Eat Fruits Vegetables Lean Meats Seafood Nuts & Seeds Healthy Fats - ROBB WOLF, author of The Paleo Solution, is a former research biochemist and one of the world’s leading experts in Paleolithic nutrition. Read more

Healthy Baking Alternative – Here is what our government says about “Healthy” - You may use the term "healthy" or related terms (e.g., "health," "healthful," "healthfully," "healthfulness," "healthier," "healthiest," "healthily," and "healthiness") as an implied nutrient content claim on the label or in labeling of a food that is useful in creating a diet that is consistent with dietary recommendations: read more

Organic - We are determined to carry organic products when ever possible. As of now,  we are not organic. Remember in the USA when farmers were up in arms about organic farming. I do. I talked to many farmers that told me that organic was just a fad and they would never transform. I wonder if they ever did? Well, countries are still the same way. They just don’t understand yet. They will though. Now that plantain flour is being introduced in the marketplace, I predict we will see a high demand and yes, a global farming transformation.

Allergen free - Our facility in South America only mills vegetable and fruit plant based products.

High in Resistance Starch  Third highest natural food in resistance starch - Plantain/Green Banana Flour 35min. - 68max. Check this out! 1st - Potato Starch, 2nd Cassava Flour, 3rd Plantain Flour

Prebiotic - a little scientific, but it's on a government website so it must be true

High Nutrition - Plantain Flour – over 10% RDA – Vit A 33%, Vit C 45%, Vit B6 22%, Potassium 21% , Magnsuim14%, Fiber, Amino score of 83. Source: Nutrient data for this listing was provided by USDA SR-1


Low Glycemic - Foods with Glycemic index (GI) less than or equal to 55 are considered low GI. Seving size: 120g Green plantain (Musa paradisiaca), peeled, boiled 10 min Glycemic Index 39 Glycemic Load 9

High in Fiber - Soluble plantain fibre can block epithelial adhesion and M-cell translocation of intestinal pathogens. This represents an important novel mechanism by which soluble dietary fibers can promote intestinal health and prevent infective diarrhea.


Protein Quality - Protein Quality is dependent on having all the essential amino acids in the proper proportions. If one or more amino acids are not present in sufficient amounts, the protein in a food is considered incomplete. Diets that are very low in protein or that are very restrictive in the types of protein consumed (e.g., vegetarian diets) may not provide complete protein.
Read More

Circle of Trust Certification - With all the different certifications out there we would qualify for (and there are tons), we decided to certify ourselves! Why? Because some of the certifications we inquired about didn't even want to do an in depth inspections of our facilities and farms, they were costly, and we got lost in the telephone tag. We thought we would pass the savings of using these 3rd party certificates on to you.

Read our story and we hope you find our Circle of Trust self certification trustworthy and up to your standards like it is to ours.
You trust us enough to eat our food. Please trust in our certification.


The POW! Team

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